
Article I

Name and Objective

  1. Name – The name of this organization is the Alabama Association of College and University Business Officers (AACUBO)
  2. Purpose and Objectives
    1. To foster, develop, and promote improved principles and efficient practices in the business and financial management of colleges and universities in Alabama.
    2. To work with state officials (ACHE, Governor’s Office, Legislative Fiscal Officer, etc.) in developing more meaningful reporting requirements.
    3. To afford opportunity for better acquaintance and closer personal and professional relationships among college and university business officers.
    4. To promote professional standards and ethical conduct among its members in the administration of their duties and their responsibilities.
    5. To provide support and strength to the programs and objectives of SACUBO and NACUBO.
    6. To provide a mechanism for the interchange of ideas and systems between the colleges and universities located in Alabama.
    7. To assist in obtaining manpower and participants for sponsored programs of interest and benefit to its members.
    8. To disseminate such pertinent information to its members as will be beneficial to them.

Article II

Membership and Dues

  1. Regular Members – Regular memberships in the Association shall include accredited post secondary institutions in the State of Alabama desiring such association and complying with all applicable membership requirements.A member institution may have as many representatives as it may desire but shall be allowed only vote.
  2. Associate Members – Organizations, other than those described in Section 1, herein, concerned with post secondary education (including but not limited to museums, libraries, coordinating boards of agencies, foundations and societies), may be admitted as associates in the Association, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.Associates shall not be eligible to vote and individuals from associate member organizations shall not be eligible to hold elected office.
  3. Honorary Membership – Any person who has made outstanding contributions in the field of college business management may be nominated to honorary membership by the Executive Committee subject to confirmation by the membership. Such members enjoy all the privileges of the Association except voting and holding offices.
  4. Admissions – An applicant becomes a member upon acceptance of the written application by the secretary and payment of appropriate dues. The membership shall determine acceptance by the secretary.
  5. Dues – Each regular member and associate shall be assessed an annual fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless waived by the Executive Committee.
  6. Suspension – Active members may be terminated by the Executive Committee for nonpayment of dues or by the Association acting as a committee of the whole for just cause.

Article III

Officers and Government

  1. Officers – The officers of AACUBO shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer who shall be elected at the close of each annual meeting for a term of one year or until their successors are named as provided for herein. All officers must be actively engaged in college business management at the time of their election and throughout their term of office.

    1. President.

      The president shall be the executive officer of the Association. The president, when present, shall preside at all business meetings of the Association

    2. Vice President.

      The vice president shall, in the absence of the president, assume the duties of the president. In case of a vacancy in the office of the president, the vice president shall serve the unexpired term of the president or until a successor is elected. The vice president is responsible for the annual program of the Association during the year in which he holds office. The vice president is also the president-elect of the Association.

    3. Secretary.

      The secretary will give notice of all meetings of the Association, and shall keep the minutes of all regular and called meetings. The secretary shall be responsible for all records of the Association and shall conduct correspondence necessary for the Association. The secretary shall assist with making suitable meeting place arrangements for the annual meeting, and will make a report to the Association at the annual meeting, and perform such other duties as requested by the president or Executive Committee.

    4. Treasurer.

      The treasurer shall be responsible for all of the financial records of the Association. The treasurer shall be bonded, in an amount determined by the Executive Committee, and have custody of all funds of the Association. The treasurer shall collect dues and be responsible for the disbursement of all funds in the name of the Association. The treasurer shall make a financial report to the Executive Committee and to the Association at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall also make the financial books available for review by the Financial Review Committee as necessary to conduct an annual review. The treasurer may be called upon to do other duties as requested by the president or Executive Committee. The treasurer shall automatically serve as Vice President the subsequent year.
  2. Executive Committee – The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the three immediate past presidents. The Executive Committee shall serve as the administrative body of the Association. Between the AACUBO meetings, the Executive Committee shall have authority to carry out and implement the Association’s objectives.
  3. Bylaws – Bylaws, which do not conflict with the Association’s constitution and which are deemed necessary to implement governing this Association, may be adopted by the general membership.

Article IV

Meeting of Association

  1. The date of the annual meeting will be set by the Executive Committee. The date shall conform to the best interest and convenience of the members. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee provided that a written notice is sent to each member seven (7) days in advance to allow them to attend.

Article V


  1. A proposed amendment to the constitution may be presented by any member to the Secretary of the Association. The secretary will refer the proposed amendment to the Executive Committee, who will review the amendment and determine whether or not to submit the amendment to the general membership for vote. Copies of any amendments and recommendations will be mailed by the secretary to each member of the Association for their review. This should be done (if possible) at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting. The proposed amendment would become effective, if approved by a two-thirds majority vote by members present, either at a special or annual meeting.